2011 photo resolution

By karenanya

Ducks in the mist

Woke up early and decided to get out for a walk before working from home.  Did the Sonning loop at a reasonable pace given that I was stopping for photos. The mist was pretty with the bright sunshine. The birds were very noisy. The photo is one of the lakes in the nature reserve.  
Saw an egret flying through the mist and looking quite ghostly. Heard and then saw a woodpecker. 
My hands were so cold by the time I got home I couldn't undo my coat. 
Yoga at lunchtime.
Bookgroup in the evening with a discussion about my book choice, the lightkeepers daughters. Some interesting talk about the book and then a general catch up.  Another parent has passed away, an upcoming wedding, a house move and a child buying their first flat.  We've seen a lot of changes together

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