
By Jackyt

Family fun in the sunshine

Started the day with Keely's sports training, we did some hoops followed by a short agility course. I have to say she was amazing, she did the agility course beautifully, high jumps, raised walk way, the A frame and the long jump.
Straight on to my sister's to celebrate my niece's birthday, the weather was so good we ate outside.
The kids wanted to do a human pyramid ;-)
They later wanted to have my dogs out in the back garden, Keely couldn't quite cope with the twins and wouldn't stay still long enough for a stroke, but Dina was on top form throwing herself on the floor in front of them to be stroked and played with.
Bonus, when I left this morning it was very frosty but I put the washing on the line hopeful the sun would dry it. It did :-))

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