I've become a bit disenchanted with parkrun in recent weeks, partly because all my local ones are very muddy at the moment and while I have no problem with a bit of off roading, and am planning a long trail run tomorrow, I've seen enough of them. I also find the whole thing a bit cult like at times and have to take a bit of a break. I'll get back in to it soon.
Instead I took my new shoes out for a trial before I used them in anger next week. I'm not fast enough to get the maximum benefit but they are definitely super springy.
Otherwise a fairly quiet Saturday. Food shop so we don't end up resorting to ready meals and exciting things like changing the bedding. My car also gave me a strange error message when I started it but there were no warning lights and it didn't happen again so I'll probably ignore that for a bit*
*I won't, I just don't have time to deal with it this week
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