
By SparseRunner


Today I walked Django, and then did some work before heading off for my first ever visit to Dunfermline. My instinct would have been do go by bus and train, but I knew that I'd have to walk Django in the evening, so I drove.

When I arrived it was dull, and I explored the abbey ruins and nearby park, guided by Turf, reaching East End Park just before kick-off. The first half was poor, and Dunfermline Athletic were booed off at half time when trailing 1-0 to Greenock Morton. 

Having not eaten since breakfast, and not had time to get food before kick-off, at half time I followed a flow of people. It only led to the toilets and then a smart suite where I clearly had no right to be. It was interesting to observe that at a big club I’d never have got near to such a suite, and at a smaller club it wouldn’t exist.  

The second half was most entertaining, as Dunfermline showed greater enterprise and levelled the game. However, they then had a player sent off as "last man" when we were certain the Greenock player that he fouled was offside. This raised the atmosphere of the game, and it went up a couple of notches when Dunfermline  went ahead with 11 minutes to play. By then the sky had cleared, and it was beautifully sunny (see extra).

When leaving the ground I spotted Turfer Bloo's avatar close by, and we met up at a zone to share the take. We then went our separate ways, as I Turfed my way around the city centre, revisiting the abbey, which was prettily lit by the lowering sun. I'd expected attractive old buildings in Dunfermline, but the Alhambra Theatre (see extra) was a real surprise! 

I was back home by 18:30, by which time it was not completely dark, which was another reason to feel good!

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