Busy work day, but another beautiful day, weather-wise, so I made sure to get out for a walk in the afternoon. Tim had been for one to the seafront in the morning, but he joined me for a wander over to Bicclescombe Park. We wanted to see the re-filled leat and check up on the frogspawn / tadpoles. Sadly, although the leat was full again, the only tadpoles we could see (hundreds of them) were tiny and dead :( Very sad.
The pond in there has been drained too - though deliberately, for a big clean-up. There was a big mound of sludgy leaf matter waiting to be removed, then I suspect it'll be re-filled again.
Glad to finish work for the week and start the (albeit short - as I'm off to London on Sunday) weekend. We had a treaty Friday night dinner of burgers and wedges.
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