The Next Chapter!

By carol_dunham

Late On Parade

A busy day…I was picked up late morning by the boys to go up to Dunbar. After lunch at the garden centre we went to see G and K’s progress on their house renovations…they’ve still a way to go but progress has been made since I was last there. The staircase is now in so I could get upstairs, last time the ladder up was beyond me! I got a couple of bits from the craft room in the boot before we returned home.

Once home I did a little very necessary domestic goddessing then sat down to a bit of knitting…a second hat, this one for a little girl. This evening I’ve been over to Berwick with friends to see Berwick Parade held outdoors within the parade ground of the barracks. Hundreds from local groups, schools etc were invited to be filmed walking in front of a coloured wall a few weeks ago. The background of the resulting film was then made transparent and the end result was half an hour of people walking which was being projected onto the barrack walls to rousing live music courtesy of a band and a pipe band. It was really well done and worth seeing. I’m not sure what this green and yellow creation is purporting to be but I thought it silly enough for a Saturday.

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