Lavender's blue dilly dilly
One of my work friends gave me a voucher at Christmas for my favourite florist and today I spent it.
Is lovely and will last for ages
Went down to visit me mam with a warm lemon drizzle in my bag
She's in intensive care and isn't feeling too much like eating so the nurses were really happy to smell it I think they will have loads of joy at tea break
In other news. I am watching the BRits. I watched one singer look like she was dying on stage to be rebirthed as an angel... No idea who she is ....
Then I saw Diana Ross (who must be 90) award the International.Icon award to someone called Sabrina .....
Last time I saw her, she was half nekkid in a pool singing about boys with a slight imperfection in her eye alignment. She should also be about 60.....
Don't think it was the same one
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