I have seen…
…more snot and phlegm in the last 48 hours than I’ve seen in the last 48 years. With the snot and phlegm comes choking and vomiting, extra strong extensor patterns and the unbelievable ability to resist having your nose wiped!
All made more extreme by the knowledge that very few of the professionals can imagine or empathise with what it’s actually like. I so want to say more and share my anger but it’s an ongoing situation and I’m keeping my cards close to my chest.
I felt the hug that Starmer and Zelensky gave each other. Such warmth after such coldness and I do feel a change in the world away from tolerance of Trump’s behaviour and cruelty. Whilst confined to home I’ve been watching endless instagrams of photographers in the streets of different cities celebrating culture, difference and sameness. It’s given me some hope.
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