
By JackyMT

A toast to Joe Tree

I didn't have a tree blip but thought a toast to him would be OK. He certainly had an idea which manifested itself into this large community of people who all get on and share their lives with each other.

It was a pleasant day today still a nip in the air though, and after our usual morning walk I got so many jobs done plus a load in the washer all dry now, and a potter in the greenhouse and garden. Misty was overjoyed because I was in her beloved greenhouse, all those spiders to hunt for. but she was back indoors as soon as I closed the greenhouse door and said it's time to go in now. She doesn't want to be out if we are not with her. The rhubarb is coming through but the patch needs weeding, another job to do.

by the way it shows what big drinkers we are I have had this bottle of fizz over 25 years and we have never opened it.  When I was working the manager gave each of us a gift hamper  one Christmas and this bottle of fizz was one of the items in it, and I retired in 1960

A lovely sunset tonight so lets hope it;s a nice day tomorrow

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