Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Early birthday celebration for Tobes. He went to the climbing wall in Notts with 4 friends. Steve went with them as he's authorised to supervise climbers and I'm not. Plus you're not allowed on the climbing mats to spectate so I was redundant today! 

Me and Eva had a fab hack round the woods this morning. We were just finishing our jobs when we got a text from the riding club organiser to say someone had dropped out of the Arena Eventing rally we had wanted to enter and did we want the place. We had one hour to get Jack back in, return home to get the horse box keys (30 mins round trip) and get to the venue (25 mins away!) I left Eva to sort Jack and went to get the keys. Thankfully he was receptive to being caught again and we made it only 3 mins late! They had a great session, although ran out of time to practice skinnys. 

Toby's friends stayed for the evening for food and early birthday cake. Such a nice group of young men. I hope Toby is as polite when he goes to other people's houses! They wrote and recorded a 'song' in Toby's room- Toby on guitar and Orin on the bin drum. It was very funny! 

I'm sure there will be more cake on Tuesday! 

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