
By misshistory19


Operation decorate has begun!! We have decided to tackle the office first as the sooner it's done the sooner I can do some work! The lady who we bought off had some interesting taste in decor with the lovely blue and beige combo you can see! But that was hiding a lovely bright lime green only discovered when we took the notice board off the wall! She was right to paint over it, it's hideous! So an extra white wash stage is now having to be added to proceedings!

I felt quite confident when I headed to B&Q this afternoon, armed with my list knowing what I had to buy! Oh my god was I wrong! Now I like to think as a trained teacher with a masters degree I'm fairly intelligent and can get my self through any challenging situation.... But when faced with row upon row of paints, rollers, step ladders, step stools (I didn't know these existed) and finally coarse verses fine sand paper, I caved and phoned my dad! Sorry feminists everywhere but sometimes a girl has got to ring her dad for help!!

Day 2 pictures to follow tomorrow!!

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