things, bits & bobs...

By Nicpic

...brilliant day...

With my wonderful nephew. We went to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park....wild animals in parks..hmm. But here some have been a big rescue, like the lions, there's a big conservation message in all the talks and the animals win everytime because there are thousands of visitors who want to see them....

His fav were the wallabies, my fav were the squirrel monkeys.

So how do we translate this into making sure they survive?

S, ace nephew, learnt loads and asked a brilliant question... 'So, people go on holiday to shoot giraffes and tigers knowing that they are endangered?'

me - 'Yes.'

S - 'Why would they do that, how can the enjoy killing an animal?'....

Educating the young, via parks or whatever, kinda necessary I think.

A highlight on the way back, a 'radio singoff'... R1 v R2 and singing + 'Daddy's taking us to the zoo' and 'Zipedeedoodah... ' and really LOUD.

Such fun, what a wonderful nephew :)

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