
By Beewriter

Bloody Tuesday

My arms have been aching since I ventured in to the gym on Sunday, so, working on the premise that it is a good sign I went in again today. I then had a really good swim.

I walked to the Novotel this afternoon to give blood. They have new chairs instead of beds now which are much comfier. Blood has always fascinated me, I had a microscope as a child and I made loads of slides of my blood. I wish I'd kept my little microscope, I can't remember what happened to it....or the many slides. I was chatting with the woman who took my blood and apparently they are recruiting new staff...I might just look into this.

I called on Ellen on the way home. A friend said to me recently she had to laugh when she read my journal as I always mention breaking up the day with a lovely cuppa somewhere....well I did that again today at Ellen's. Ellen walked back with me through the woods and then carried on home.

Rita called round when I got home, as I have a big plaster on my arm in was obvious I'd given blood, I also told her about finding out about working with the blood transfusion teams and my fascination with blood and she said I must have vampire tendencies...hey, I've read and watched all the Twighlight Series, I'm hoping I would become a beautiful being if I became a bloodsucker ha ha ha.

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