Peppa Pig has a lot to answer to

Charlotte woke at 6:40 this morning. Slightly rushed morning to get her to nursery for 8, but as Lee pointed out to me, it's not like you've got to get to work is it?
Came home, cleared out under stairs cupboard. Discovered that Charlotte has three snow suits, none of which will fit her come the winter. Ebaying two, keeping one.
Went and got eyebrows done, the lady doing them used to do mine before so was very nice to catch up with her and hear all her news about her new solo venture. Going back tomorrow for a pedicure.
Came home, wasted an hour, had lunch, went to sleep for an hour! Lee woke me up to say someone was coming round to the house so I got up and started to do some work. Managed to plan topic, computing and German so not a complete waste of day.
Daddy has started milk but I'm taking over so he can go to the pub. He's cooking tonight so I can parcel up all the eBay goodies.

School tomorrow
(Charlotte has just appeared to show me she can drink her night milk from a cup with no lid, she is very proud!)

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