Allotment 2022 onwards

By misetak

Hooray for Judy!

It was great to have Judy back on the plot again, working hard on the strawberry bed and battling with bramble roots, while I made some progress on the raspberry side.

Earlier in the day, the spaniel and I went for an early poo walk.  We spotted some flowers out already and signs of the bluebells to come, in the extra.  There was also an interesting looking plant(bottom left) that I couldn't identify.

I took the Swedish death cleaning to the allotment and emptied the storage box behind the shed.  It now has only unbroken seed trays and other bits that I will use and space for some of those pots I sorted at home.  I also discovered there had been 27 mm of rain since my last visit (probably why I hadn't been for a few days!!).

Home for lunch and time to walk the greyhound.  Much as we love her as part of the family, she is a very boring dog to take for walks.  She can't be let off the lead as greyhounds have no recall and you have to stop for every interesting smell.  So progress is very very slow and she then sleeps a lot, making a wonderful trip hazard in the kitchen.

Getting back to the allotment for a couple of hours with Judy was a wonderful escape.

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