creative lenna

By creativelenna

Australia Umbrella Tree

I was able to take a walk at Conservatory Park yesterday and saw a tree that I had no idea what it was. Since I learned it was possible that eucalyptus trees (gum trees, I think is another name) grow here in Florida. I looked this tree I saw yesterday up and it was an Australian Umbrella Tree! That made me smile as many of my friends here are from Australia. 

Tomorrow is the move-in day for my mom. We are praying that it will go as smoothly as possible. We have support from Assisted Living. Mom's moderate to severe Alzheimer's makes this is a necessary move as there is no cure and we are unable to live with her 24 / 7.. Sorry to keep writing about this sad situation but this is life. It does help me to share and make sense of it all. Thank you for listening.... 

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