Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH

Clifftop walk

A glorious day; not a cloud in the sky, no wind and for early March, quite a warm day.  We decided to drive over to Weybourne for a walk along the cliff top.  Quite a few people out enjoying the weather and we watched and listened to skylarks hovering over us, the first we've heard this year.  The sort of day which makes you think that Spring might just be on the way but I'm not counting chickens just yet, having got snowed in to a B&B in Devon when the 'Beast from the East' struck back in 2018!

This view was as we were walking back towards the beach at Weybourne, showing the row of old Coastguard cottages with the sweep of Weybourne beach behind.  The runner came past me as I was about to take the shot but I thought he added a bit of interest and scale to the shot.

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