Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Daffodils and Leeks on St David ‘s Day

A much-needed at home day. Bb worked on our figures (numbers!) this morning and I tidied up online loose ends from last month’s work. Then we did some house chores, prompted I must admit by my reaching my limit of acceptability in the house! Our feet have hardly touched the ground since we returned from Rio at the end of January! And now our place is full of unpacked boxes and bags from our recent van trip to Scotland.

An accidental celebration of St David ‘s day today by being surprised by this daffodil in the corner of our patio (I remember leaving a few bulbs there last year) and then I made two big pots of soup - lentils and carrots and potato and leek (and added some mustard and a couple of other root veggies which needed used up). This one will do some lunches next week and the lentils and carrots is in the freezer.

Lovely night with neighbours, who are becoming friends, Miguel and Lourdes. They invited us out for dinner, after us having them to our house in December for drinks and tapas. We’d been talking in the street and across separate tables in our barrio for many years till then. Their kids are all now grown up, have partners, and we remember them playing football and on scooters nearby, while Miguel and Lourdes ate on the terrace of our old Frankfurter!

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