
By MerrilHope


As mentioned yesterday, I left my car in Colchester and came home by train last night as I'd had a  few when out with Graham and Kat.  So today, around 13.30, Maddy drove me back there on her way to uni, having finished her weekend shift of care work here in Chelmsford.  A quick cuppa with G and K and then I hit the road for the half hour / 25 mile journey home - which took two and a half hours because I got caught in the aftermath tailback of a multiple vehicle collision on the extremely busy A12 that had just happened moments ahead of me, near the Kelvedon bypass.  I took the photos in the first few mins when I didn't know what lay ahead.  Over the next ten minutes we inched forward until close to the accident which blocked the road and all traffic was unable to go further.  About 10-15 minutes later several fire engines, ambulances, traffic police cars, paramedic SUV and two unmarked official cars started arriving.  They drove through the new central lane we hapless travelers had moved our cars to create before we then turned off our engines to wait. And wait we did.

I don't know the details of what happened, but I do know it wasn't good and  when eventually I was able to continue my journey, I don't think I drove faster than 50mph the rest of the way home. 

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