Shrove Sunday
Thank you very much for your heartwarming wishes yesterday! <3
In Finland, we celebrate Shrove Sundays and Shrove Tuesdays. Traditions have been same on both days. The star is the beloved Shrovetide bun, laskiaispulla, which is a sweet pastry filled with strawberry jam and whipped cream. We baked laskiaispullas today, of course. I made the dough, and Emma shaped beautiful round buns, she is very good at it.
Other Finnish Shrovetide traditions has been a tobogganing event. According to the old beliefs, the farther you could sled, the taller your flax would grow, and the bigger your rutabagas and turnips would become. As always, a sauna was prepared to enjoy during this time. Nonetheless, it was important to be silent in the sauna, otherwise you could be plagued by lots of flies and mosquitoes during the next summer. Moreover, there was an old proverb about the weather. “If the sun is shining on Shrovetide, it will be a good year. If it snows on Shrovetide, it will snow every day until Easter.”
Well, no one was sledging today in Tampere area, because we don't have snow! But we got sleet and brisk wind, and I had a walk with Peetu just when the weather was worst.
+1,3°C, cloudy, sleet
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