Sunday Walkies
Up early this morning but wasn't too active until 11ish when I decided the Leaf was looking mouldy and while giving her a wash, why not Biscuit too, so they both looked sparkly afterwards.
Eldest & other Mrs BB were talking of having a stroll around the shops in Stockport whereas your Gal fancied some exercise in the form of a good walk. The sun wasn't peeking from behind the clouds too much but things weren't too chilly either. Ideal conditions you may say & their plans were changed to join Shadow & I.
We caught a Train two stops away to Broadbottom, before crossing the Etherow and several lanes & public footpaths to emerge on Glossop Road, walking along there for a mile before dropping into Etherow Park through Ernocroft Wood.
After pausing for a coffee just before the cafe closed, we crossed the main road and walked alongside the Etherow until reaching Marple Aqueduct. Shadows little legs carried her up the steep.steps to join the Lower Peak Forest Canal.
At Hyde Bank Tunnel I found the slight breach that appeared late last summer still not repaired although the leak has been temporarily plugged keeping the canal navigable (extra). It was here I got all giddy noticing an Ordinary Bicycle - aka Penny Farthing approaching! It was relatively new with a Sturmey Archer drum brake on the tiny back wheel. Unfortunately I tried twice to get a good picture in the fading light but both were blurred :-( (also extra)
By the time we left.the canal to walk the final furlongs along the roadside it was dark so maybe an earlier start next time. Shadows little legs had walked almost 13miles...not bad for a 13½ year old doggo :-)
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