Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Tuesday Night at the Singles Bar...

Well, you can view this as either an interesting group photo or a hot mess. I'm going with the former...

This all started out to be a simple shot of a very cooperative butterfly, the tiny Juniper Hairstreak. They are in their second flight of the summer and I've had them in my yard for the last 10 days, placidly nectaring on the flowers. Simple, right? Things got a bit more interesting when I noticed that the milkweed was also host to a bunch of teeny, tiny black ants. Cool! I love a nice group photo! So, I'm snapping away when into the frame buzzed my least favorite winged creature, a Yellow Jacket!

Now, if you don't have Yellow Jackets where you live, be glad. They are meaner than junkyard dogs and I believe they sometimes like to bite humans just because they can. And it really REALLY hurts when they bite!

But I digress...

I pretty much knew that today was going to be a macro day - both the hummies and I needed a break. Besides, the garden is aflutter with butterflies and bees - all begging to be photographed! Just didn't think I get them all in one shot! I posted my favorite 8 shots from today on Flickr, starting HERE. Bees, dragons, damsels, and butterflies.

Thank you again for coming along with me on the Week of Hummingbirds. I had such fun taking a full week of hummie shots. Of course, I'm not done with them yet - I have to get my fill over the next 6-8 weeks... Sometime in September, the males will start heading south, followed by the females and finally by this year's babies. And the yard will be quieter and a bit lonely until they return next spring, first week of May...

Hope you are all having a great Tuesday!


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