
By pandcjane

Is this Spring?

Well, another beautiful sunny day. And inspired from yesterday I did the circuit again this morning (14262 steps as I write this!) Then home to prep for the family coming over for the afternoon and late lunch (slightly later than planned as I forgot to put the chickens in the oven. Not a crisis though and albeit missing Shelly (in France) and Steve (working sadly as he is having to cover for a colleague as well as his own work) it was lovely to see Chris and Penny and all 3 of my beautiful grandchildren. A Brio railway was built and Noah and I have, at last,  finished the Lego airport. All gone home now of course and I have more or less finished clearing up. I am just waiting for the chicken carcasses to finish simmering to make into stock. And then I will call it a day. 

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