Strike that. Reverse it!


Fantabulous Day!

I know I say it alot but I really really love my days off with the boys. They're like Sundays to me :0)

Had made plans today but they fell through so had no idea what to do. We had a little bit of a lazy morning and watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in bed. Then decided to head down to a local soft play and have lunch. The soft play is situated by a marina and canal so we went for a walk along the tow path. Crossed the bridge again, Mikey was too scared to come over this time. The boys loved spotting all the different kinds of boats and barges.

We then came home and did some gardening. The boys helped a little but mainly raced up and down on their bikes. Think its safe to say I've tired them out. It really has been a good day. Back to work tomorrow though, booooooo!

Hope you've all had a great Tuesday xxx

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