
By KatesGardenPDX

The Clouds Have Returned

Ooof...what a transition from the last few gorgeous days!

I headed out for a lovely, long walk at the Tualatin Hills Nature Park this morning. Spring is definitely peeking out. The Oso Berry, or Oemleria cerasiformis is just beginning to bloom. It's one of the earliest native shrubs to bloom here in northwestern Oregon. I also saw the tiniest new blossoms of the blossoms of Red Flowering Currant - Ribes sangineum, as well as numerous leaves poking up from the floor of the woods. It wasn't quite warm enough to shed my jacket, even after a couple of miles, but it was refreshing, and not rainy.

A seemingly very friendly deer stopped and watched me as I walked down the path. I suspect they're really used to people being around. (See extra.)

A bit of rain is forecast for tomorrow night, but otherwise it's a cool and mostly cloudy few days ahead. 

My son and grandson came for lunch today - my granddaughter is unfortunately sick. We had a nice time talking - it's always a little more laid back when one of the kids isn't here.

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