
By Viewpoint

Later afternoon walk

In the afternoon I had the company of my son who came with a bag full of groceries to make a pasta dish for lunch.  The advantage of which was that mine could stay fairly bland and his could have some added chile-pepper  flakes.  I do like a bit of chile in my food but after my digestive system got upset on more than one occasion I’ve been a bit more wary.  I know it was playing tricks on me because on a different day it was good.  I think my digestion is settling down a bit now, but then I’ve had almost three months of Madopar and if it’s going to settle down then surely it’s had long enough.  So it was good to see Jay, he brought the paper he’s writing with him, so we kind of rubbed along beside one another, which was lovely.  I managed half an hour in the garden tidying up a corner where a squirrel had knocked a feeder off the tree.  It seems to have buried the S ring that I usually hang the tube on with. 
II walked later, after I’d taken my meds at 4, I sometimes do that as it can take an hour to kick in and I often feel better at that time if I’m moving.  So I missed the best part of the day for the sun in the morning ( I was feeling tired).

So because it was dull I decided to head for the playground and a bit of colour.

A chat with Lyn in the afternoon and GG in the early evening.  

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