It's Thursday
I'm lagging so far behind with blipping. Thanks for all yesterday's comments on my 16-year blip!
This is the exterior of the lovely Conference centre in Harrogate that I have been attending for 3 days. I didn't expect to be seeing this view of it again this evening. During our last seminar I started feeling bad, my jaw started to tremble, them my arms and hands. I tried to hide it from the people at my table.
I managed to hang on until the end of the talk and raised my hand for one of the team leaders to come over and sit with me until it passed and I could stand up and move away. We were due a last session of singing with the band, I got to the auditorium door and couldn't face the music. I turned to go to the toilet as I was feeling sick and, out of nowhere appeared our vicar's wife who said she'd wait for me. I was sick.
After that I had the vicar and his wife waiting to see if I was ok. Of, course I was accompanied up to my room where The Man was waiting.
Later on I felt so bad I called the NHS helpline. My temp was 103 and my pulse shot to 134 bmm. I was sure the doctor I was referred to me said there was a prescription to pick up at a nearby pharmacy so The Man went to get it. No, they had no script, just a referral and I would have to go in person. Oh, no! I didn't want to go out.
When we got there the girl said I had no prescription but could buy some meds from them. "But I don't know what's wrong with me!" She called the pharmacist who said I should take paracetamol, which I already had, and some electrolyte tablets, which the man could have bought the first time!
Struggled back to the hotel but have had nothing to eat since breakfast.
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