
By AislingMorgan

Going Forward...

It's March already... i'm finding time a strange concept at the moment, in some ways it feels so long since Mum died yet it is just over two months !!  Moving forward is the only way to go, but some days its slower than others.....  I don't know if it is an Irish trait but we really don't talk about death and people avoid both the subject and my Mum when around me now.  I suppose I do the same but never reallty noticed it until now.  

On a happier note... I won the bet with Declan with the Oscar Wins, so I get to choose a theme for a meal to be cooked by him for me.  I have asked for an Agatha Christie Themed Dinner.....  Maybe this was inspired by the start of the new adaptation of Towards Zero on BBC last night, really enjoyed the first episode...

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