A slow start to my day, helped slightly by it being light on the way to the station. I was having a quite disturbing dream when my alarm went off and it took a long time to get it out of my head.
One of the challenges I have with my current programme is getting a yvtime with my senior stakeholder. Its got to the point where she is blocking progress in some areas as she's unable to spare the time to make decisions that apparently noone else can make. Somehow it then becomes my fault that things aren't done. Tomorrow morning I will email her a list of all the outstanding items and the impact and see what happens.
I want to do it tomorrow as I'm in an all day meeting from 10:00 - 16:00 so can hide.
Prawn and pasta surprise for tea. I think. Or maybe leftover roast chicken from yesterday, although I think that's destined for a curry.
The seagulls you can just about see were making an almighty racket.
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