
By Munni

Spring Day

Sunny again, after a frosty night. The crocuses that opened their flowers nine days ago are almost done now.

It‘s Rosenmontag (Shrove Monday), the day of many big carnival parades along the Rhine. 

The carnival madness was in full swing already when I drove my mother’s carer B to her bus last night. The bus was very late, and so I waited for 45 minutes in the cold with B. She was understandably anxious about waiting on her own, as some other people at the bus station had obviously had too much to drink already. A few might have consumed other substances, too. Several men went around the bus station all the time, bothering travellers and asking for money. So I stayed until B was safely in her bus.

Coming home was lovely. P had cooked delicious pumpkin soup, and after two big mugs of soup, I could feel my frozen feet again. 

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