
By Pinkhairedlady

Skye, day two

Backblipped March 3rd

Slept very well and struggled to get out of the very comfy bed to take Phin out, but I managed. It was lovely and fresh so quite invigorating.

Breakfast was set up for us in the lounge as dogs aren’t allowed in the restaurant but it was such a cosy spot, we enjoyed our own company. The food was freshly cooked and very plentiful.

After a quick brush up the four of us plus Phin headed to Kinloch forest just a couple of miles up the road to walk their forest trail. Stuart reckoned it was around 6km, the sign us the car park suggested 7.2km but my Fitbit calculated it as over 8km. Mr PHL wasn’t sure if he’d manage but he coped well. The views across to the Knoydart peninsula were stunning.

Back to the hotel for a cold drink before heading into Broadford for a wander. There were some interesting gift shops and a fabulous jewellery store. Back at the hotel again in time to partake of local gin and whisky in the wee shop. Very generous tasting measures and I picked up a jigsaw and some soap along with a bottle of gin.

We had time for a rest before heading to the bar for an early dinner of more fabulous local food before a great evening joining in the quiz. We were pipped to the winning post but the lovely locals who took the prize money insisted on buying the entire bar a drink which was very sporting of them.

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