
By Lsquare

Tuning An Old Friend!

When I first saw that the Mono Monday challenge for today was "Narrative", I was not sure how I would approach it, but I thought I would recognize a blip opportunity when I saw it----and I think I did.  As my wonderful husband and talented model was helping me look for a blip, he pulled out one of his guitars that he hasn't played in a long time and began to tell me about it.  I didn't want a posed picture of him playing it, so as he was talking and tuning, I began shooting and I came up with some shots I was satisfied with, despite the cluttered background, the lack of blank space and the lights on the Christmas tree, that I have mentioned over the years is a permanent resident in my living room.  He has had the guitar for fifty years (we've only been married forty years) and during his time in the Air Force, it has often accompanied him to places overseas.  Of course, we had different favorite shots, so I will put one as my main, and the other as an extra.  Thanks to gillyh for hosting....

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