Stretching myself
This morning I noted that the sun actually touched my window frame at 7.30am - in no time at all it'll be annoying me before I'm ready to get up, and I'll be glad of the "lost" hour of the clocks changing. For now, however, I was just glad to see the sun; it didn't last and the afternoon was damp and dreich.
My photo was taken on the way to Pilates - the studio is just a little further along the road, on the right. I think this photo captures the big change in Dunoon over the 51 years - almost exactly, in fact,, that I've been living here. I used to take Neil to school when he started, and because I had to take the pram too, with the infant Ewan in it, I'd decide it was too much effort getting it out and down the 17 steps of the front garden to go straight home again. So I'd wander along this, the main street in Dunoon, and look in the shops, and maybe buy something in one of the two greengrocers, or one of the two independent bakeries, and the street would be busy with people doing just that. Now look at it: 10.10 in the morning and I think I see three people altogether, and one car moving. One of the two bakeries remains ...
Pilates felt good, in an exhausting sort of way; I felt my back stretching and the pain leaving my leg and sort of withdrawing to source, as it were, and when I walked out and went to the shop that used to be Woolworth's (to buy bird seed and cat deterrent) I felt better than I had since Friday. I made myself some coffee and sat down with the Italian lesson and was just finished when Himself arrived back from his class.
After lunch, however, I was back to feeling the worse for wear; I tried some Ibuprofen but it didn't touch the pain so we went out - I needed some more potatoes, so we went a circle via the Co-op and the shore because I was curious about a huge crane that had been working down there earlier (I could see it from my window. Yes - the hanging-out window.) We met friends in the shop and had a conversation in a mixture of French and English (he's French) and then bashed off in a sort of circle in the drizzle. It was not cheering.
Dinner was cheering, however, and not too late. And now it's only 11.30pm and I'm on my way to bed ... (Notice I've not said anything about the News - I've just thought dark thoughts instead.)
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