Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

The Bees Knees

I am feeling very pleased with myself.

I fixed the toilet seat.
I tidied up the backyard.
I managed to get a blip of a blue banded bee in the said backyard mostly in focus despite sunscreen running in my eyes and temporarily blinding me.
I made a yummy Massaman curry.  And,  I started baking again.

Yes, after the murder last year of my starter when I went to Costa Rica, I haven't felt the desire to bake but a few weeks back I starting making a starter again and yesterday, tested it out on some naan and mixed and proved some loaves which I baked this morning.  I had not used a proper amount for two loaves so they are two small loaves and can I say I nailed it even though I had to go back and refer to recipes and timings.   Part of the result in the extra was eaten at lunch with some brie and smoked salmon.  Can I say it was probably the best loaves I have made.  The new starter's name is Lakshmi which I hope brings my baking good fortune.  I definitely feel like the bees knees.

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