Spring is springing!
I have backblipped
Temporary Exile Day #1
Temporary Exile Day #2
Temporary Exile Day #3
Temporary Exile Day #4
Temporary Exile Day #5
Temporary Exile Day #6
Temporary Exile Day #7
Today is Day 8 & heating system installation day! At long last! It has only taken almost one year!
Hubby is at home while it is being done I'm keeping out of the way!
He has just rung to say it is fully installed & we now have hot water. Still got to have the electrician come to connect it up fully .... that's not happening until Thursday! At least it is progress! The end is in sight! Maybe!
Saw this lovely Pussy Willow bursting into life .... spring is on the way! :-)
Stay safe everyone :-)
Think I have managed to catch up with everyone .... sorry if I missed you!
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