Grumpy Old Man

By Maurice1948

Daffodils, poems and basking sharks

A dull but dry start to the day today, which was just as well as I’d intended to walk down to the Rockfield Centre with a neighbour for the u3a monthly meeting - we usually meet at the Corran Halls, but I think that something else was on there this morning. The talk today was by Shane Wasik, who runs the Basking Shark Scotland team, who not only operate Shark Tours for the public, but are involved in a great deal of research into the basking sharks and their conservation. Basking sharks have been described as creatures with a very small brain and a very large mouth. Does that remind you of anyone?
This afternoon was the monthly u3a Poetry Group meeting where we all read our favourite poems on the subject of gardens and gardening. An interesting topic! A good time was had by all, until looking out of the window we spotted great clouds of light rain blowing across the landscape. Good job I had a lift!
My Blip today is of a group of Narcissus cyclamineus, brought here when I retired, and planted on the bank right beside the road. This lovely little species is native to the NW of the Iberian peninsula - it grew profusely on a lawn at Arduaine.
Quote of the day: 'Daffodils, that come before the swallow dares, and take the winds of March with beauty.’ - William Shakespeare.

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