
By mambo

Point Taken

Elaine gave me a lift to Headingley on her way home.
It meant l could catch a bus that got me to the city centre in minutes.
Back at ballet, first time at Northern Ballet in four weeks because of illness and holidays.

Good to see everyone and to gently ease myself back in.
So, so pleased to be back and feeling better.

As l signed in l saw these signed ballet shoes which are for sale to raise money for the company. Like all arts they are having to watch every penny so this could be a good fundraiser.
It’s interesting to see how the toes are darned. Every dancer has to do their own ( it helps prolong the life of the shoe) and they all have different styles of needlework. As a pair of point shoes cost £70- 80 and professionals when performing need at least one new pair a week , you can see why tickets to see them in a production are not cheap.

Caught the bus home but decided to get off in Otley, just caught the plant man before he packed up to go home. Was thrilled he had some white ranunculus!
Had fifteen minutes before the next bus so went in a charity shop and saw a vegetable dish with lid that matched my Blue Denmark pottery for £5 , so that came home with me too, now sat on my kitchen window sill, might put some bulbs in it.
Including the welcoming sunny weather and a little win on this month’s Premium Bonds ( my fifteenth consecutive win) it’s been a good day and one to count my blessings.

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