Tiny Whale With A Halo
Today, after admin, I have been playing with the water splash kit that steveng kindly loaned me for our camera club practical session next week.
I'm not cut out for this sort of thing. I learned a lot though. I'm going to need both of the lights, and much higher shutter speeds than I anticipated. Also it would be good to have someone squeezing the water from the eye dropper to enable the photographer to concentrate on the shutter release. I couldn't ask my usual glamorous assistant as she was fast asleep on the sofa. Also I don't think I will bother with any coloured backdrops as you can just change the white balance temperature and tint in Lightroom. Thank goodness for Lightroom noise reduction too.
I didn't get any decent water droplet images and anyway I thought the scene needed something in it to add interest. Why not my tiny whale I thought, then I can tag it for Tiny Tuesday too. Whales are animals aren't they? And they like water.
Back to camera club - last night went reasonably well. We had 26 members turn up (lower than usual) to watch a video presentation, The Heart Of The Photograph. It was a bit laborious and verbose at times, but there were some interesting ideas about what makes a 'good' photo. I could sense people shuffling about a bit in their seats and a few sneaked out before the end. Overall though it was OK, and we saved the speaker fee, which can go towards the rather high costs I'm looking at next season.
One year ago:
What Came First .....
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