Flowers in the sun
It may be Shrove Tuesday but there'll be no pancakes for us this evening. Another trip into Norwich this afternoon and by the time we got home there wasn't time to make them so we'll just snack on something fast. Last trip in tomorrow but we'll be even later back so we'll do the pancakes on Thursday. We aren't religious so there's no reason for us to do them today but I do like the tradition. And I like pancakes; every time we have them we enjoy them so say we shouldn't wait until Shrove Tuesday to have them again. And then Shrove Tuesday comes around....
Not much time for taking photos but we walked into town this morning through the churchyard which is looking lovely at the moment; the snowdrops have given way to crocuses which have spread all over the yard. This was just a quick shot of a very small part of it was we walked through.
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