Lesser goldfinch
posting one day late...
These tiny finches are different than any goldfinch with which you may be familiar. The males have a black head whereas the females don't They're a very lively bird. I found this fella in the local park.
It was a busy 'inside' day for me - fine with me because it was a blustery day. After my brief look around the park, I wrote up and sent out the minutes from the singles club meeting, prepared everything my accountant needs to file my taxes and wrote and distributed the HOA newsletter. I had to analyze 8 pages of the January financial report to summarize for that newsletter, which I'm sure I'll get better at than I was today.
Thanks for the love you showed to yesterday's broad-tailed hummingbird. I got a little confused in my feed (due to my dyslexia) and don't think I thanked everyone individually. For that I apologize.
I yelled ”COW!!!” at a woman on a bike and she gave me the finger. Then she plowed her bike straight into the cow.
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