Mental Hospital (used to be)
On this mornings walk Ziggy and I passed the old Mental hospital, it was actually called 'Coney Hill Lunatic Asylum' which was built in 1883.
A few years ago it was in a dreadful state, especially after toe-rags stole the roofing and then some children, teenagers but with the mental capacity of a 3 year old, set fire to the building.
A company bought it and some of the surrounding land. Turned the building into rather nice, and expensive, apartments but very wisely kept the façade and clock tower, and the clock is working and correct.
Above the door you might expect 'Abandon Hope All That Enter Here' but more philosophically it says;
"Bear Ye One Another's Burdens', a good prospect for those mental patients entering through the doors many years ago.
It closed those doors in December 1994 when Care in the Community took over, for good or bad is a matter of opinion but it's a fact that many people in the old institutions suffered terrible treatment, and many probably shouldn't have been committed in the first place.
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