
By pandcjane

Beautiful Day

But crispy and still ice on top of the bird bath. I've done 2 loads of washing which I hung outside and its all dry. Hurray! Ironing tomorrow. This morning I went to see Julie for a pedicure (a guilty pleasure), then to the tip (had to be careful with the toes! Then to the charity shop to drop off 4 furry throws which I had been keeping in the bottom of the wardrobe for some reason. Presumably becuase at the time I thought that they would "come in". but of course they wont. Back home I had some breakfast (a bit late), had a bit of a clear up and got out the chop saw to cut up some wood for the fire. This evening Steve's dad Pete came over for dinner which was fun. Good to have some company. Tomorrow is a busy day. 10082 steps somehow. no idea how!

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