Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Pentland Hills

A sunny start to the day. Nice to see the sun for a short while. A quiet day. Unfortunately it has clouded over by the time partner and I go for the morning walk. In the park, there is a small flock of redwings feeding. So I managed to get fairly close to them before they flew off, but not close enough to get a good photo of them. 

After work, the cloud has become a bit darker, not even a hint of sunshine promised on the met office website. Photo of the Pentland Hills is the best shot of the day. On the way back, I pass a small flock of jackdaws. These birds, like the redwings this morning, are more intent on feeding than flying off. I did get a photo of one of them, but I would have preferred a photo of the flock.

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