Crazy About Birds

By Kimb



The only photo I took today.

Spent the morning doing all the chores in town (tax info to CPA; package to Staples to be returned to Amazon - which had sent the totally wrong thing; purchase of a gazillion dollars worth of bird seed; Husband to orthopedic surgeon to see if he needed surgery on his damaged shoulder  -10 days ago, tree limb accident; grocery pick-up).

The surgeon said he doesn't need surgery, but will have a lump forever. He will not, however, be without pain unless and until he STOPS USING THE DAMNED ARM.

So I was amused just now when I read the notes on today's visit in his My Chart thing. The doctor said "his wife is exasperated..." Bingo.

The man wakes up every morning and goes on and on about how much pain he's in and how he didn't sleep a wink. "I need to go the the ER" he says. No. No you don't what you need to do is STOP USING THE ARM. He's been to the ER three times now. He keeps expecting magic.

Exasperated hardly even touches it.

Thank you for letting me rant.

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