Wood duck
After breakfast with the travel/social group this morning I went for a walk at Sullivan's Pond. There were reports of a northern shoveler pair in the area. I didn't get to see them, they had flew away not long before I got there. The woman I was talking to told me there was a wood duck there, and she showed me where it was sleeping.
There were 10 of us at breakfast today, 6 people were new. Of course I ordered some pancakes, since this is Pancake Day. It was much easier to talk to people today, although 3 of us talked between ourselves, and Stephen talked to the 6 new women.
Jean called me tonight to tell me that Marilyn had called her yesterday after I sent the message. She says Marilyn is not upset, she just doesn't understand. Hopefully she will follow Jean's advice and contact her home care supervisor to tell her that she needs more help. Jean told her to make a list of things she cannot do and to give it to home care. They have to provide more help for her, but if she continues to tell them that she has friends helping, they will not give it to her. She wants to live in her own little bubble where everyone does everything for her. Unfortunately that is not sustainable on a long term basis.
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