
A lazy shot from the house, again, although I did love the sky today.

Oh dear.

I know that cleaning is good for the soul.

Aye right.

Anyway, the thing I am learning about this cleaning thing is that it is a mistake to start.

You start with one drawer.

You empty said drawer in order to clean it. Then you have to sort out contents, and decide what to keep and what to throw out. Then, you realise that you should not simply put this stuff back into the same drawer. Certain questions have to be asked:
1. Does this stuff not belong somewhere else in the house?
2. Does this stuff not belong in someone else's house?
3. Does this stuff not belong in the bin?

If 1, then where? Oh, yes. That other drawer would be the ideal place for it, if only you could clear out this other drawer. OK - let's do that then! And, so, we begin again.

And, of course, you can't put stuff back on dirty shelves or dirty cupboards.

All these cupboards I am cleaning will not be noticed by another living soul.

The only consolation is that if I drop dead tomorrow, my family will be SO impressed by my housekeeping.

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