Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


...for guessing where Mr. HCB is today!

When the nurse told him yesterday he could go out into the garden, as long as he didn’t touch his head with dirty hands, his face lit up - and then this morning, when I got downstairs, having slept quite late, he was beaming and told me he was going to get dressed in his “garden” clothes and go out into the greenhouse to plant seeds.

I decided I would take a shot of all his new seeds that he bought recently from D.T. Brown before he went out into the greenhouse and that could be my “Wide Wednesday” shot.  I was particularly amused by the new strain of Tomato seed called “Cream Sausage” - I have no doubt that one will be blipped at some point! 

I couldn’t miss the chance to take a quick shot of Mr. HCB in the greenhouse - see my extra - his first time for several weeks and yes, he has had withdrawal symptoms, bless him.  I just tapped the window, which is why he looks surprised!  

He was a bit peeved though, because after setting up the little DAB radio with the stations he particularly likes, he couldn’t find his favourite - it just defaulted to one station, which he said was OK, but not as conducive to seed sowing as Classic FM!  Guess I need to re-programme it again.  I have already done it twice, but not sure why it doesn’t hold the programmes.  Good job I wrote down how to do it, because it is a bit of a malarkey and he tends to leave all that sort of thing to me!

Hope the sun is shining where you are.  I have just sung a birthday greeting - in English - to the Spanish family’s little daughter, who is 2 years old today - but I did practise saying Happy Birthday in Spanish - or should I say “Feliz Cumpleaños” - and she did respond with a voice note that melted my heart when she said “Gracias abuela” - “Thank you Grandmother”!

It doesn’t take much to bring a smile to our faces these days - we are grateful for each day and all the blessings it brings - especially a beautiful sunny day like today.  Hope the sun is shining where you are.  M xx 

P.S.  I have just checked the theme for Wide Wednesday, which is “strong colour”- well the sunflowers look a deep orange and the outside of my photograph is strong green to represent the garden, so this is my contribution - perhaps a bit far fetched, but what else could I do today?

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