Team photo
My second day in the office, and I had a window seat, but in my rush to get out of the flat in the morning, I forgot to take my camera. I was disappointed I didn't have a proper camera when I was asked to take a group photo of Janet and her team. I used her iPhone, but it turns out the pictures taken on my Nokia looked better, so here is the best one.
Another noteworthy event in the office was a fireside chat with four of our women team leaders for International Women's Day. It's always good to hear people's colleague's thoughts and experiences. One of them mentioned the "Imposter syndrome"!
G collected me from work and I finished the day at home before having a nap that lasted much longer than I intended. We ended the evening watching Fiddler on the Roof courtesy of Amazon Prime. It's such an interesting movie, more poignant watching it in these times.
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