
By KCNQ2Haiku

Sun in a Crook!

compelled to prove I could put
the Sun in a Crook

The branch of this tree had such a quirky bend, I thought, 'I bet I could make it look like the sun was just being cradled in it'.. such is my mind.  It was a bit of a half an effort, given that Leo was pulling my arm with his lead but it made me smile.
Busy pottering today, conversations with school, social worker, my Dad and some time with Older Teen.  I'm reading a book that's so gentle I nearly dozed off reading it at one point, I'm not sure that's a good sign (either for me or the book!) but I think I'm too far through to give up, I just need to speed up to get to something else I think!
Tidying, sorting and waiting for Ben to come home now. 

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