Lesson learnt from nature...
Remember; they're more scared of you than you are of them.
The start of some strategic partnership work today, navigation training for the Lake District Nationals Park's.... Navigation Trainers.
All of the participants today were a minimum of Mountain Leaders, a couple are International Mountain Leaders. On their home patch, learning about the thing they've (in some cases) been doing for years, even do as their day job. I was a little apprehensive , but it went really well.
We found places they thought they knew, but saw afresh, we discussed the importance of relevance in learning, appropriate tasks and skill stacking. We looked at assessment level navigation without a compass, lots of different map types, how to build better, stronger learning pyramids. They all had multiple "oh yes" moments, all finished with a good list of "I'm going to try..." ideas.
I mostly felt a mild relief that I can still up my game.
Already booked more training sessions, might even have picked up a new WW volunteer.
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